Acobot Offers Free Live Chat Robot to Nonprofits, Education and Government

SUNNYVALE, Calif., June 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Acobot, the chatbot using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist website visitors 24 hours a day, is now free to nonprofit organizations, education providers, and government entities.

"Nonprofit, education and government organizations need to improve their online results every bit as much as for-profit business enterprises do," explained Acobot LLC founder and CEO Vic Duan. "However, they rarely have the financial and technological resources to apply new web technologies. Acobot can help these worthy organizations achieve their goals and better serve their website visitors."

The Acobot AI chat technology allows websites to interact with visitors automatically. Site owners can set up Acobot in minutes; once the system is up and running, the robot learns more with each visit, making it better able to "talk" to users and answer their questions with repeated use.

Organizations interested in using AI chat technology to assist their website visitors can obtain their own live Acobot robot at by signing up and indicating that their sites are for non-commercial use. Once signed up, an organization immediately receives a fully functional robot hosted by There is no limit to the Acobot chat sessions, and the robot is permanently free.

While it aims to help nonprofits, education providers and governments optimize their site visitors' online experience without straining strapped budgets, Acobot admits that the arrangement is mutually beneficial. "The more people use the robot, the more linguistic data we'll obtain," Duan said. "The company uses that data to improve the AI live chat software continuously."

Non-commercial websites can learn more about Acobot AI chat technology, try out the robot, and sign up for free at

About Acobot LLC

Acobot develops state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology and helps small to medium-sized businesses and nonprofit organizations improve their online results with AI chat applications.


Vic Duan Acobot LLC Tel: (408) 351-6618

See the article here:

Acobot Offers Free Live Chat Robot to Nonprofits, Education and Government

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