A moment of science | Bad Astronomy

When I was five years old, my entire life changed.

It was a good change the best, really and it happened in a single moment, all at once, irrevocably and utterly. And all I did was look through a telescope.

Wanna know more? Then go read a short article about this I wrote for Slate magazine. They asked me to write about the state of science education, and what can be done to improve it. Thats a huge topic, vast, and in some ways impenetrable. So I poked at it a bit, looking for some leverage, and told the editor that while I dont know how to fix our broken science education system, I know what worked for me personally. And I know it works for thousands, millions of others.

All it took was a moment of science. Go read the article for more.

But wait, theres more! I tweeted a link to the Slate article, and my friend (and newly minted PhD) Nicole Gugliucci asked others what their moment of science was. Its a good question! What was yours? Leave a comment here, or tweet it with the hastag #momentofscience. Im about go on travel for a day, but on Wednesday Ill collect and post them!

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A moment of science | Bad Astronomy

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