Future Mars Mission Submissions Pour In To NASA

May 25, 2012

Image Credit: NASA

Lee Rannals for RedOrbit.com

NASA said it has received 400 mission concepts from scientists and engineers for a future Mars mission.

Scientists and engineers submitted their ideas to the Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration Workshop in Houston, which was an event put together by NASAs Mars Exploration Program.

Both individuals and teams submitted their visions to the NASA program for a new strategy to explore the Red Planet.

The space agency is reformulating the Mars Exploration Program to enable it to reach high-priority science goals, as well as President Barack Obamas ambitions to have man walk on Mars in the future.

This strong response sends a clear message that exploring Mars is important to future exploration, John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASAs Science Mission Directorate, said in a press release. The challenge now will be to select the best ideas for the next phase.

NASA will be selecting certain concepts out of the 400 for a workshop June 12 through 14, which will be hosted by the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.

The scientists behind the ideas that are selected for the workshop will be invited to present and discuss concepts, options, capabilities and innovations aimed at advancing mans reach for the study of Mars.

See the original post here:

Future Mars Mission Submissions Pour In To NASA

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