Pastor column: There are five adversities to progress – Marion Star

Rev. J. Patrick Street, Pastor column Published 11:55 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2020

Paul writes, I have not already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of meBut one thing I do; forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14). Adversity is a fact of life. There fiveadversities that hinder our making spiritual progress, and Paul tells us how he overcame these obstacles.

First is arrogance. Paul dealt with arrogance by honestly evaluating himself, and he saw his need to press on toward knowing Christ even more. Arrogance is the attitude of pride. Arrogance leaves no room for learning and growth. In the race between the tortoise and the hare, arrogance is what caused the hare to take a nap and to lose the race.

Second is arrival. Paul says his Christ-centered perspective in life does not indicate that hes arrived at the finish line of his spiritual journey. He said, I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me. So often we think we have reached our limit and we stop making progress. Whoever said that we are human-becomings and not human beings is helpful in reminding us to make progress continuously. We are all able to become more like Christ and accomplish more for Gods kingdom than we ever have.

Third is affections. Pauls priority was to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God called me. Affections get us out of balance and often distract us. We must be single-minded, to know Jesus and to make Him known to the non-believing world. We can easily be tempted to do many things, but by focusing on Jesus we will make progress and please the Lord.

Fourth is accomplishments of the past. Forgetting what is behind Paul chose to forget his past so that he was not hindered by it. Our past accomplishments can cause us to stay in the past too long and often make us think that we have arrived. Past accomplishments can lead us to put our confidence more in ourselves than in God. This stops our progress all together.

Fifth is apathy. Many Christians are complacent. Paul dealt with apathy by taking action moving toward the goal God set for him. He understood his responsibility to actively and aggressively pursue the prize, which is Christ Jesus.

Many believers are Stuck on Salvation. That is, we got saved, but thats as far as we have gone with the Lord! Jesus saved us for a purpose! He laid hold of us with purpose in mind. So pursue it with all your heart. Let nothing satisfy you but satisfying Him!

To make spiritual progress beware of your enemies, Paul overcame them with devotion, dedication and determination in the Lord so can you!

Rev. J. Patrick Street, Lead Pastor, Redeemer Church, Marion

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Pastor column: There are five adversities to progress - Marion Star

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