Cannabis referendum: I want my kids to be informed to make their own decision –

OPINION: As a father of four children there are many reasons for me to be concerned about the upcoming cannabis referendum. If my children are to be exposed to cannabis, which inevitably they will be, with or without reform, then I want them to be as informed as possible.

Firstly, about the dangers of cannabis consumption. The dangers of driving or operating equipment whileimpaired, the dangers of smoking a joint lit by a butane lighter at 600 degrees Fahrenheitand the impact this heat and burned by-product has on the respiratory system.

I want them to be as informed as possible about the impact heavy consumption of cannabis at a very young age may have on some individuals' brain development.

I want them to be informed as possible about the risks of purchasing cannabis from a 'tinny house' or from those with gang affiliations. I want them to be as informed as possible as to what strain they are about to consume, as to its potency. I want them to know how to test for this.

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I want them to be fully conversant with the law and to understand their rights and the risk of consuming cannabis through a legal lens.

But I also want them to be informed as to the positive health and wellbeing benefits that cannabis can provide. I want them to be informed about the very real differences of being "stoned"at a party with other consumers of cannabis and being drunk at a party with other consumers of alcohol.

I want them to be informed about the chemical construct of this complex plant, with its different terpenes and flavonoids and thepositive benefits they have in assisting with nausea, inflammation, digestion, depression, anxiety and weight-loss.


"I have already made up my mind. I started smoking cannabis at 14 years of age and have continued to do so for 35 years."

I want them to be informed as to where cannabis sits on the drug harm scaleaccording toresearch, andthat alcohol and tobacco causemore social harm than cannabis.

I want them to understand and reject the violence that occurs every weekend in this country by alcohol-fuelled adults. I want them to understand that it is very rare for this behaviour to be elicited from someone who has consumed cannabis only.

I want them to listen to both sides of the debate for and against and make up their own minds.

I have already made up my mind. I started smoking cannabis at 14 years of age and have continued to do so for 35 years. For me, cannabis has not been a "gateway"drug.

As aGrammar boy, I went on to Auckland University and subsequently had a very successful career in the corporate world in senior executive roles for some of the world's largest corporations. My last role was as a Chief Executive Officer of one of New Zealands largest businesses for eightyears before retiring at 50.

My partner of 25 years and I have lived and travelled around the world, put our children through private schools, supported our local communities, attended every sports fixture or dance lesson/concert that our children have participated in, paid large amounts of taxes and been highly productive members of society.


What are the main arguments for and against legalising cannabis in New Zealand?

At the same time, in NZ currently at least, my regular consumption of cannabis makes me a criminal.

At least I have the wherewithal to engage the best legal counsel possible should I be caught with a small amount of cannabis and therefore with my background, character and ability to engage the best legal mind would more than likely receive a mild warning or a pat on the wrist.

This would likely be very different if I was Mori or Pasifika. This is not right and must change. The nonsense of a war on drugs is just that - a nonsense. The "war on drugs"was designed to re-elect presidents and help providers of correctional facilities profiteer.

I want to live in a NZ where people can consume cannabis without fear of being ripped off, have an idea what strain or potency it is that they are consuming and not feel like or be treated like criminals.

I want my children to be informed and educated as to the risks and positive benefits of cannabis and then be able to choose whether or not to partake, all within a supply chain controlled and monitored by central government rather than the criminal underworld.

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Cannabis referendum: I want my kids to be informed to make their own decision -

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