Euthanasia referendum: Terminal cancer patient reveals why she’s against legalising assisted dying – Newshub

Up until then, she had always believed people should have the choice of assisted dying, saying it was, "My body, my choice". But after her suicide attempt, her views changed.

"Do you know what, I woke up the next day and I had the best day. I kept thinking, 'What if you'd done it?'"

Walsh now believes in what she calls a journey to completion, no matter how painful the end.

"Why would I take away the fun parts? And people say to me, 'What happens if there aren't any fun parts?' I say I don't know. But I am prepared to see that journey through because I don't believe in anybody deliberately ending someone else's life."

She's now against giving people the choice for assisted dying because there is so much room to get it wrong.

"I possibly would have felt pressured into doing it. Because I wouldn't have had those few quiet moments on my own."

Walsh says the cancer is growing rapidly and she knows her time is nearly up, but there are things she won't be able to do before she dies.

"I really, really wanted to see my granddaughter in Perth. That was the goal and that's not going to happen. And that's not going to happen because of COVID. She was due to arrive here on July 3."

She says she's now prepared for a difficult end.

"I suffer for my children. My husband has been such a rock. I don't want to rob my children that one smile or one kiss."

Now she hopes to live to have her say against assisted dying.

"I'm hoping, really hoping, that I will get my vote in and make my vote count."

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Euthanasia referendum: Terminal cancer patient reveals why she's against legalising assisted dying - Newshub

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