No positive light on ANTIFA | Letters to the Editor | – Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

Editor: A letter writer recently tried to shed a positive light on Antifa (July 16). If you do a google search on Antifa you will find this information on Wikipedia:

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism. Both the name Antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.

The Anti-Defamation League states that the label Antifa should be limited to those who proactively seek physical confrontations with their perceived fascist adversaries.

Police in Tacoma, Washington, rushed to the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility. An armed man was firebombing the building and nearby vehicles. Police shot and killed him after he attempted to set off a large propane tank connected to the facility. Antifa social media accounts subsequently identified their fallen comrade as Willem Van Spronsen.

Andy Ngo, a gay journalist, was left hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage after a mob of mask-clad rioters beat and robbed him while he was covering a demonstration in downtown Portland, Oregon. The attack, claimed by Rose City Antifa, was caught on videos that went viral online.

There are many examples like the above. When you see a group dressed head to toe including full masks in black beating people with clubs, destroying property, and extremely violent it most probably is Antifa.

This is not a benign group. If you get in their way, God help you. This is a group that uses violence to destroy the USA by causing anarchy and install communism. For God and country do not allow them to achieve their goal.

Robert Morgan


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No positive light on ANTIFA | Letters to the Editor | - Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice

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