Jean-Marc Laroche – Lovers from the Hereafter

Jean-Marc Laroche Vanite


Jean-Marc Laroche Lotus

Squelette Erotique

Jean-Marc Laroche Les Amants du Néant

Les Amants du Néant

Jean-Marc Laroche Kamasutra


Jean-Marc Laroche Tete Ouverte

Tête Reliquaire (entrouverte)

The work of French sculptor, Jean-Marc Laroche is nothing but extraordinary.  An edgy, if not uncomfortably powerful look at death.

Having begun his career creating intricate knives for 12 years, he eventually shifted his focus to more life-size endeavors.  The debut of his life-size skeletons occurred at the Paris Muse?e de l’Erotisme (Museum of Eroticism) with an installation entitled Les Amants du Ne?ant (Lovers from the Hereafter).  From 2005 to 2008 Laroche’s scultpures evolved into the biomechanical realm with the series Human Mechanics or Visions of a Future Anterior.

Laroche’s latest exhibition will take place the the Museum of Sex in New York. If you’re in the city I highly suggest seeing his work.  He will have 5 of his life-size skeletons on exhibition. Plus the Museum of Sex just sounds a tad bit intriguing in and of itself.

Lovers from the Hereafter
October 5th – November 4th
Museum of Sex
233 Fifth Ave @ 27th Street
New York, NY



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