Blood on Their Hands | Letters to the Editor – The Chief-Leader

To the Editor:With the massive increase in shootings and senseless murders of innocent bystanders, some stick out.

Brandon Hendricks 17 years old, a basketball star who just graduated high school and was going to attend St. John's University, was killed June 29. Anthony Robinson on July 5 was holding his 6-year-old daughter's hand walking down the street when he was gunned down. I don't want to try to imagine the kind of nightmares she will have for the rest of her life.

Shatavia Wells on July 7 was shot 8 times for asking someone to stop throwing firecrackers around children and died July 17. Davell Gardner, 1 year old, was fatally shot in the stomach while sitting in a stroller July 12.

What is so painfully sad is that in between theses dates, many others, some children, were shot and killed. And Cuomo and de Blasio still allow this lawlessness to run rampant.

Amid all this loss of life, on July 16 de Blasio holds a press conference with a BLM sign replacing the city seal, and this clown of a Mayor states, "We have fewer people in our jails than any time since WW ll, and we are safer for it, and better for it."

The truth is, the numbers are low because of the failed bail-reform bill, which has given criminals an unlimited get-out-of-jail-free card.

He wants to send advocates out to handle small problems instead of the NYPD. Eric Adams, former NYPD Captain and current Brooklyn Borough President, supports that idea. But now he wants the Anti-Crime Unit back, especially after Shatavia Wells followed his instructions June 21 that communities should stop calling 311/911 for fireworks complaints, but rather "talk to the young people or the people on your block who are using fireworks and warn them of the dangers."

President Trump has promised to send Federal agents to several problem cities, including New York. Cuomo his brain cells kicking in, calls Trump and tells him we have it handled. So Cuomo and de Blasio both grow a pair and kick the protesters out of City Hall Park. Yetsee how long they have allowed the death and destruction to continue.

What I want to know is, why are people not protesting in front of Gracie Mansion and de Blasio's Brooklyn house, why are they not protesting in front of the Governor's Mansion? City and state officials have blood on their hands, and not just for the senseless shootings. They sat back and watched the rioters and looters destroy black and white businesses. They have violated their oath of office to serve and protect and provide safety and security.

All the victims of these turnstile criminals deserve justice. Children, and women and mensome senior citizenshave lost their rights, and in many cases their lives. This cannot stand. They should not be considered acceptable losses in a war.

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Blood on Their Hands | Letters to the Editor - The Chief-Leader

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