Discrimination and Disparities in Health: Examination of racial inequality in Nashville | Opinion – Tennessean

Bill Frist, M.D. and Andre L. Churchwell, M.D., Guest Columnists Published 10:00 a.m. CT July 31, 2020

While to some, Confederate monuments are memorials to the dead, to many others they are glorifications of slavery, racism and oppression. Nashville Tennessean

No one should feel discriminated against when seeking care, and quality healthcare should be available to everyone.

As city and community leaders across the country wrestle with their own roles and responsibilities in addressing racial inequality, we believe specific attention to health equity and health disparities will lead to dismantling structural racism and a roadmap for a healthier future for all.

An example of how we are beginning that focus and journey can be found inNashville, Tennessee. But it could just as well be any town or city in the nation.

Weve known for years that minorities face health disparities nationally, and in our own experiences as physicians, weve seen first-hand how health inequities unfairly persist in communities of color when it comes to access and quality.

In Nashville, the simple zip code of your residence could lead to a six-year decrement to life expectancy, twice the rate of unemployment and five times difference in poverty.

The challenges of unconscious bias and racism that enable health inequities must be addressed to improve health outcomes.

Thanks to the recent Nashville Community Health and Well-Being Survey, we have a clearer picture of the challenges facing vulnerable populations, especially African Americans here in Davidson County, for the first time in 20 years.

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist(Photo: Submitted)

The personal, pervasive stories of discrimination that have captured our nations attention are keenly present in our survey data.African American respondents were nearly five times more likely (14.6%) to report feeling discrimination when seeking healthcare in Metro Nashville compared to white respondents (3.1%). And nearly one in three (31.5%) African Americans felt discriminated against at work in the past year, compared to only 6% of white respondents.

Moreover, one third of African American respondents reported feeling emotionally upsetangry, sad, or frustratedin response to treatment based on race. Only 7% of white survey-takers reported similar emotions. For African Americans, such treatment was more likely to have physical manifestations: nearly 18% experienced headache or stomach ache, a pounding heart or muscle tension. Those symptoms were only felt by 3% of white respondents.

The chronic stress of being an African American has a clear, compounding effect on the chronic medical conditions they face and are part of the answer for the life-expectancy discrepancies seen between people of different races.

For example, white American males live on average 77 years while African Americans live on average 72 years. White females live on average 81 years compared to 78 years for African American women.

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Tennessean Opinion Editor David Plazas spoke to Dr. Bill Frist, former U.S. Senate majority leader Nashville Tennessean

Our region is a national leader in health care services, with Middle Tennessee often referred to as the Silicon Valley of Health Services. We now need to do the hard work of figuring out how to lead the nation in health equity. And it starts by gathering data and understanding where inequities exist.

The Nashville Community Health and Well-being Survey was developed and implemented by NashvilleHealth and the Metro Public Health Department. It explored specific health conditions, access to care, and health behaviors across Davidson County residents between October 2018 and April 2019.

More than 1,800 responses were gathered online and by mail. The assessment was extensive, and while findings were not limited to comparisons between Black and white populations, we highlight thedata to emphasize the work we have ahead of us to ensure health equity for African American Nashvillians.

The survey found chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, respiratory conditions, and obesity were all much more common in African American than white residents. Of survey takers who self-identified as African American, 22.1% have diabetes. Only 8.3% of survey takers who self-identified as white, non-Hispanic have the condition.

Whereas 47.8% of the African American respondents are obese, 24% of white respondents are obese. 47.6% of African Americans reported hypertension; only 27% of white respondents reported hypertension. And 24.7% of African American registered respiratory conditions; 17.4% of white respondents reported the same.

Dr. Andre L. Churchwell, (Photo: Mary Donaldson)

No physician or nurse wakes up each day with the intention to treat patients differently the overwhelming majority of us called to healthcare genuinely want to help all people.

But unintentional, unconscious implicit bias in delivering clinical care has been demonstrated in numerous studies, with minorities more likely to receive lower quality care, regardless of income or insurance.

And when it comes to social supports, our Nashville communities of color disproportionately feel unsupported. In responding to the survey, 15% of African Americans reported that they rarely or never get needed social support, and a startling 23.1% of Hispanic respondents shared the same sentiment. Only 7.8% of white respondents said the same.

As physicians we know that to achieve true health equity we must also address systemic racism in our criminal justice system and create paths to improve public education, transportation, and many non-medical society challenges.

The change needs to start with us.In Nashville, but indeed in every community in America.

We want to add our voices to the collective call-to-action to city leaders across America and those of us in medicine and healthcare, to fully engage, and honestly and openly address the issues that continually lead to disparate health outcomes for so many.

Accountability in these matters, like free speech, is to be shared amongst allof us.


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Senator Bill Frist, M.D. is a heart transplant surgeon, founder of the Vanderbilt Transplant Center, and former U.S. Senate Majority Leader.

Andre L. Churchwell, M.D. is the Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer at Vanderbilt University. He also serves as a Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and the Chief Diversity Officer at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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Discrimination and Disparities in Health: Examination of racial inequality in Nashville | Opinion - Tennessean

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