Shock Poll! African-Americans far more likely to be Anti-Jew than Whites

Occupy Wall Street encouraging rise in Anti-Semitism?

by Eric Dondero

We've all seen the stereotypes; white guy, loser blue collar dude, probably shave head, wearing a swastika or attending some NeoNazi rally in Montana or Idaho.

Turns out, that old stereotype is way outdated.

The new face of Anti-Semitism is much more likely to be black or Hispanic. (Such as the infamous Anti-Semite Occupy L.A. demonstrator Patricia McCallister in the photo)

You have to dig deep in the mainstream media reports to discover these findings. In the following Orlando Sentinnel piece it was buried in paragraph 11 of a 13 paragraph piece.

In the report's demographic section, 42 percent of Hispanic immigrants percent held anti-Semitic views, versus 20 percent of Hispanics born in the U.S. ...29 percent of African Americans held strongly anti-Semitic views, much higher than Whites.

The Sentinel piece (or other media) did not even give the exact percentage for Whites, which was less than 10%.

Jewish "shady" money grabbers who "hold too much power" on Wall Street don't you know...

A regional manager in Florida for the ADL is quoted:

“We’re obviously troubled,” said [David] Barkey, ADL's counsel for six states including Florida. “With attitudes come conduct. We could potentially have more people who engage in anti-Semitic actions.”

It gets worse. Occupy Wall Street may be helping to boost Anti-Jewish sentiment.


Thirty-five million Americans hold “deeply anti-Semitic views,” according to a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League. The number, representing 15 percent of Americans, is 3 percent higher than a similar survey found two years ago.

The survey of 1,754 adults found many believe it was “probably true” that Jews have “too much power in the U.S.” and in the business world, wield too much control or influence on Wall Street, and are “more willing to use shady practices.”

No doubt, those who rail against capitalism, "Jewish bankers," and Jewish-controlled banking institutions, are adding gasoline to the fire. A 3 percent increase since two years ago, is certainly no accident.

Photo h/t

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