Top Hotel in Nashville, TN cancels Pro-Liberty/Anti-Islamist conference


Tennessee Freedom Coalition ( Oct. 24

Action cancels "Preserving Freedom Conference" & denies U.S. Christians, Jews and citizens their rights under the U.S. Constitution

Speakers to include Ayn Rand Individualist Pamela Geller, former libertarian Republican Congressman Fred Grandy (IA) and Anti-Islamist Tea Party Republican Lou Ann Zelenick

Today, the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, TN slammed the door on the United States Constitution and the right to free speech due to threats which we perceive came from the Islamic community. The location was the planned host for the Preserving Freedom Conference to be held on November 11, 2011. With less than three weeks prior to the event and after accepting payments from many attendees and sponsors, Nashville's Hutton Hotel backed out of the contract as location host of the event, citing threatening letters and phone calls demanding the conference be cancelled.

Steve Eckley, Senior Vice President of Hutton Hotel, contacted Lou Ann Zelenik, Executive Director of Tennessee Freedom Coalition (TFC) on October 24, 2011, and told her they would not honor the contract signed in August 2011 for the Preserving Freedom Conference and therefore, would not allow the conference to take place at the hotel. Eckley advised they had received many threatening telephone calls and letters. When questioned by others if the hotel had contacted local law enforcement agencies, FBI or Homeland Security to advise them of these threats, Eckley advised they had not and that he simply cancelled the conference instead. Eckley also cited threats from callers advising they would show up and protest against the event, however, refused to cite who these calls were from or what groups/protesters would be present.

The Board of Directors of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition and the Sharia Awareness Action Network (SAAN) are committed to securing another site and holding the November 11, 2011 Preserving Freedom Conference event as planned.

There will be more information available soon, but we must do what we can to hold this hotel accountable for this decision to limit the free speech of law-abiding citizens. You may contact the hotel by calling 615.340.9333 or contact the Hutton Hotel Manager via email to Steven Andre and tell them you support the United States Constitution and NOT Islamic Sharia law.

Some of the guest speakers committed to this conference are from the United Kingdom, Australia and Nigeria, including Wafa Sultan, Mathew Staver, Father Keith Roderick, Frank Gaffney, William Murray, Rabbi Jonathan Hausman, Kenneth Timmerman, Pamela Geller, Steve Gill, former Congressman Fred Grandy. (Emphasis added for libertarian speakers).

The Hutton Hotel has succumbed to perceived political correctness in order to avoid offending Islamists across the country. Our beloved America would not exist today had our Founders allowed restrictions on the right to free speech and equal protection for citizens. Support our efforts and pass this information along to everyone you know concerned about the future of our nation.

Editor's note - I had the great pleasure of meeting Lou Ann at the Geert Wilders event in Nashville earlier this year. I was planning to attend this event, and hope they are able to get a new venue soon. Hope to see you there!

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