Letter: Thanks to health care heroes for their compassion – The Westerly Sun

The family of Carol and Raymond Bedard would like to express their gratitude to the following health care heroes: Dunns Corners Fire Department, Charlestown & Westerly Ambulance, Westerly Hospital, HopeHealth Hospice and Palliative Care RI and especially the Westerly Health Center and Buckler-Johnston Funeral Home.

The year 2020 started with the anticipation of our Dads 85th birthday party on Jan 11. Our Dad (and Mom) were excited and surprised by the many friends and family members who attended. Looking back, it was such a bittersweet moment but we were able to capture the joy from that day in pictures.

Unfortunately, 2020 then took a quick turn. We lost both of our parents in a span of eight weeks from pneumonia just before COVID-19 testing started to be available. It was during this time that we saw a lot of the health care heroes mentioned above. They were so kind, understanding and compassionate for all that we were going through with both of our parents, in and out of ambulances, in and out of the hospital and rehab centers and then hospice.

Westerly Health Center was so caring, not only to our mother but to us also. They understood we never had time to grieve for our Dad prior to our Mom quickly getting sick, they did everything possible to allow us to be with her up until the end (pre-COVID). We will never forget their kindness and compassion.

Our parents were married almost 64 years. We always knew they would join each other quickly once the first one passed, but we never thought it would be that quick. With what is going on in the world, we are glad they are in heaven together and able to enjoy to walking and breathing freely on their own and enjoying the ever-after.

Lisa J. Bedard


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Letter: Thanks to health care heroes for their compassion - The Westerly Sun

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