CERN Lectures on Cosmology and Particle Physics | Cosmic Variance

Here’s a blast from the somewhat-recent past: a set of five lectures I gave at CERN in 2005. It looks like the quality of the recording is pretty good. The first lecture was an overview at a colloquium level; i.e. meant for physicists, but not necessarily with any knowledge of cosmology. The next four are blackboard talks with a greater focus; they try to bring people up to speed on the basic tools you need to think about modern early-universe cosmology.

Obviously I’m not going to watch all five hours of these, so I’ll just have to hope that I’m relatively coherent throughout. (I do remember being a bit jet-lagged.) But I do notice that, while it was only a few years ago, I do appear relatively young and enthusiastic. Ah, the ravages of Time…

Lecture One: Introduction to Cosmology

Lecture Two: Dark Matter

Lecture Three: Dark Energy

Lecture Four: Thermodynamics and the Early Universe

Lecture Five: Inflation and Beyond

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