Amateur Rocketry is Not Very Amateur These Days

High Altitude Rocket On-board Video: Qu8k - BALLS 20 - Carmack Prize Attempt, NASAHackSpace

"On September 30, 2011 at 11:08am, Derek Deville's Qu8k (pronounced "Quake") launched from the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to an altitude of 121,000' before returning safely to earth. Above 99% of the atmosphere the sky turns black in the middle of the day and the curvature of the earth is clearly visible."

Team America Rocketry Challenge Registration Opens, AIA

"Registration for the world's largest student rocket competition is open now through November 30. The Team America Rocketry Challenge will accept up to 1,000 student teams in grades 7-12 from any U.S. school, home school or non-profit youth organization."

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