Gilmore Girls: 5 Reasons We’d Want To Live In Stars Hollow (& 5 We Wouldn’t) – Screen Rant

Stars Hollow is so integral to Gilmore Girlsthat it's basically a star of the show in itself. The charming home of the show's protagonists embodies the idyllic New England small town to a T--tiny local shops varying from the cozy diner to the antique store, quirky business owner rivalries, unique town rituals, and, of course, town gossip galore.

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Stars Hollow in many ways makes up many a fan's utopia. However, upon closer inspection of what being a resident, there really looks like, this all-American dreamy location may be seen in a less than ideal light. Here are five reasons fans might love to live there, and five they'd do better to pass.

One of the top reasons fans would want to live in Stars Hollow is, of course, because of Luke's Diner--or, as the stars of the show call it, simply "Luke's".

Luke's is the perfect cozy spot that exists in everybody's small-town fantasies. It has big windows, classic, simple menu with all-American basics, and the vintage charm of having been adapted from an old Hardware store, complete with old signage still intact.

Living in Stars Hollow means living amongst--or perhaps more accurately, under the reign--of Taylor Doose.

Taylor comes off as a mostly harmless, if irritating, old man; but any fan of the show knows that Taylor is completely capable of being somewhat of a tyrant, using his role as mayor to manipulate townspeople.

A top pro of living in a small town such as Stars Hollow is that one will always be able to rely on having an interdependent community.

The people of Stars Hollow all know each other well, to the effect that it's essentially a small community of family--one that doesn't always get along, but what family does?

Everybody in town living in such close-quarters with one another means that it isn't so easy to keep one's life private.

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There are certain aspects of life that most people, even the most social, would like to keep to themselves, and yet the townspeople grow entitled to having their own say on the goings-on of other people's intimate lives, such as Lorelai's relationship with Luke.

Living in a small town involves supporting small businesses, and one of the main perks of this is that, firstly, everything is within easy reach, and secondly, shopping is never an impersonal experience.

Most people enjoy the feeling of being a "regular" at a business, and in a small town, everybody becomes a regular.

Some days a person just wants to walk to the shop without being recognized. Something that city life--or just slightly bigger towns--offer, is the feeling that one can turn invisible whenever they like, disappearing into the crowds of people on the street.

In Stars Hollow, however, there is no avoiding a run-in with a neighbor.

The idea of "sleepy New England towns" is a clich for a reason. There's a mellowness to towns like Stars Hollow, and even if the town is technically fictional, it's very much based on real examples of little country towns in Northeast USA.

If one were to take a drive through Connecticut, they would come across several cozy corners of the country that Stars Hollow captures so well.

Part of the charm of living in Stars Hollow is the old-fashioned atmosphere of the place. Many people turn to living in such small towns because life has a feeling of greater simplicity.

The downside of this is that with simplicity can come a lack of complexity and a feeling of living in a world that is on a time-lag compared to the rest of the world--an ideal for some, a nightmare for others.

Stars Hollow has several rituals and traditions that are featured throughout the show. This gives the town a feeling of wholesome inter-connectedness, as their events supply regular public interactions to look forward to and share together every year.

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The fact that some of the events are so strange and particular to the town, such as the day where residents prepare a picnic basket that must be raffled off to the highest bidder and shared with the maker, causes people's ties to the events to feel even more special.

Stars Hollow is dreamy and comfortable, but this also makes it very easy to get settled into and forget that there is a whole world out there waiting to be explored.

Some characters on the show have lived in the town their entire lives, such as Luke Danes, and the show will often make use of these characters to highlight the slight insecurity of never having ventured out to experience places outside of their comfort zone.

NEXT: Gilmore Girls: 5 Reasons Season 1 Was The Best (& 5 Ways Other Seasons Were Better)

Next Ozark: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Jonah (& 5 Times We Hated Him)

Glenna is a Glasgow-based writer from New England. She studied English Literature and Music and loves babbling about pictures.

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Gilmore Girls: 5 Reasons We'd Want To Live In Stars Hollow (& 5 We Wouldn't) - Screen Rant

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