A Libertarian Punk looks at Obama’s America 2010 and Shouts WTF?

Liberals are Fucking Crazy! They're Killing Everything that is good

by Michael W. Dean

As we smash headlong into yet another decade, the fifth I’ve participated in during my 45 spins around this big blue ball, I reflect on the past and look toward the future. And the main thought that strikes me is ‘WHAT THE FUCK?????”

I really long for the days when I didn’t have to think about politics all the time. When I talked with friends about movies, music, art, dreams, life, love. Now most of what I think about is “THOSE LIBERALS ARE FUCKING CRAZY! THEY’RE KILLING EVERYTHING THAT’S GOOD!”

The ironic thing is, they love to call us (conservatives and libertarians) crazy. And selfish. Crazy for not wanting to regulate everything. Selfish for not wanting to be robbed at gunpoint for leftist “social justice” programs.

And it really is robbery at gunpoint. If you refuse to pay taxes, police will come to your house. If you refuse to come out, they’ll come in, point guns at your head, and take you to jail. All taxation, beyond the bare minimum outlined in the Constitution is theft. The government has no resources, and has to take my money to give you anything. And they do everything far less efficiently than the private sector.

I am a reasonable, peaceful man. And I’m happy to live in America.

And to quote Dead Kennnedy’s singer and head rabble rouser Jello Biafra:

I’m thankful I live in a place
Where I can say the things I do
Without being taken out and shot
So I’m on guard against the goons
Trying to take my rights away
We’ve got to rise above the need for cops and laws

(I love these lyrics, but I find it ironic that the guy who penned them believed in the “Hope and Change” of Obama, the “BIGGER bigger problem we’ve got now“, and is disappointed that Obama’s not the Second Coming of Christ.)

I don’t want to be taken out and shot. I shouldn’t be, I don’t break any laws, but I think that the folks in “power” now may start changing the laws. And I think Obama, Holder, Pelosi et al. may just be the “kinder, gentler” Lenins that paves way for a Stalin in a few years, if we’re not careful.

We'll Fight the Liberal Fuckers: And if we Lose, at least we can say We Tried as they're marching us off to the Camps

How do I deal with wanting to scream “THESE LIBERALS ARE CRAZY, AND THEY’RE STEALING FROM ME!”? Well…I live my life.

I also try to educate younger people, being the “hip old grandpa Simpson of punk rock” and a few of them do listen to me…sometimes. I also work with various groups…some concerned with trying to get people to vote, some who don’t think voting works. But both have agendas similar to mine: liberty.

Then I wonder if maybe being an activist isn’t trying to “change the things I can’t.” But then I realize that when they drag us all off to the camps, or more likely, when America is turned into a horrible politically correct anti-utopia resembling Brave New World (or more likely, Demolition Man), I’ll want to at least be able to say to myself “Well, I tried.”

Sociopathic Socialists

I think about the fact that 6% of all people are sociopathic, about 12% will inherently follow sociopaths, and probably 20% are narcissists. That’s not quite a majority, but it’s close enough to make it hell for those of us who are decent in a Constitutional Republic that’s been dulled down to a “democracy” where “51% of the people can tyrannize 49%.” And right now, a room full of people in Congress are ramming shit down our throat that according to a recent non-biased Rasmussen pole, 55% of the country is against.

Yet THEY (liberals, leftists, socialist Americans, statists and the uneducated children who are allowed to vote because “everyone’s voice needs to be heard“) (Thank you, Ted Kennedy, you fat, dead, commie homicidal fuck) call US (conservatives, libertarians, tea party people and Republicans) “CRAZY.” “Crazy” is the most common five-letter four-letter word I’ve heard in the past year.


Wanting “representatives” who listen to us, instead of dismissing us as crazy?

Wanting to control what we do in our homes?

Wanting to choose what we eat and what we listen to, without being nannied into compliance?

Not wanting to be taxed to death?

Not wanting to pay for crack babies and abortions if you don’t smoke crack and don’t like abortions?

Not apologizing for America at every turn?

Thinking the people who make our laws should not be above the law?

Thinking less laws is better than more laws?

Being able to do 8th grade math and knowing 10th grade history to realize that you can’t fix a recession by printing more money?

Wanting the private corporation (that pretends to be a government agency) that prints your money to be audited?

Wanting a President who calls bankers “fat cats” to quit appointing the fattest, greediest bankers in the world to his cabinet?

Wanting our President to call terrorists what they are: terrorists?

Not liking a President who wants to take away everyone’s money and rewrite the Constitution?

Saying that disliking a tyrant doesn’t make you racist?

Being upset about bribes being taken to ram something horrible down our throats?

The government will NOT fix everything. The government has a long history of fucking up and bankrupting most everything it touches. (All governments do.) I love America, but I fear my government. As we usher in the new decade, remember what Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’.”

Editor's Note - Michael W. Dean is lead singer/guitarist for Right Arm of Wyoming. He also serves as State Coordinator for the Wyoming Republican Liberty Caucus. His blog is LibertarianPunk.com

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