Letter: The destruction of democracy cannot be tolerated – Northwest Herald

During the past several weeks numerous protests have occurred across the country. Most of these protests have been peaceful and meaningful, but violence including rioting, burning, and looting were dominant early on. Part of the problem was the absence of any authoritative rule by officials to protect its citizens and their property from this type of behavior.

The fiasco in Seattle has finally come to an end as a section of the city was relinquished to protestors as a result of the do-nothing attitude of the Mayor of Seattle and Governor of Washington. The only things accomplished, besides a couple of murders, were the humiliation of Seattle and a lack of faith in the police department by officials.

Protesting has since moved on to the defacing of monuments, destruction of statues including those of past presidents and opposed to slavery, and the burning of the flag. One needs to question if this is an attempt by some to advance a new socio-economic format, void of history, which suits their idealistic values or simply idiots who lack knowledge of the background and historical significance of the statues they are indiscriminately destroying.

History belongs to us all. We study and learn from history, we do not bury it.

2020 is the 75th Anniversary of Allied victory in WW II. We need to honor and remember those who were a part of this war and the memory of those who gave their lives to preserve the freedoms of democracy.

Protesting is one of those freedoms, the abuse of our country is not.

WW II had much to do with hate. Racist and hate are words used often in today's society. They are strong words. When used, little thought is given to their meaning and to whom or what they are directed at. Maybe someday respect and understanding can replace them.

Our country is not perfect, but it is the best there is. Our country will survive along with its freedoms for all, but the distraction of political correctness, the desecration of history, and the destruction of democracy cannot be tolerated.

Chuck McKee


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Letter: The destruction of democracy cannot be tolerated - Northwest Herald

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