StillSecure: Technology Partner Spotlight

Welcome to the next installment in our blog series highlighting the companies in SoftLayer’s new Technology Partners Marketplace. These Partners have built their businesses on the SoftLayer Platform, and we’re excited for them to tell their stories. New Partners will be added to the Marketplace each month, so stay tuned for many more come.
- Paul Ford, SoftLayer VP of Community Development


Scroll down to read a guest blog from StillSecure CTO James Brown. Today, StillSecure is announcing the launch of Cloud Security Monitoring Service (SMS), a free Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering that provides security services, monitoring and reporting for cloud or physical servers via a lightweight agent and easy-to-use UI.

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Don’t Expose Your Data with B.C.E. (Before Cloud Era) Security

Securing a cloud application is harder than securing a physically hosted app. Why? It’s elastic, it spreads your assets over the face of the planet, and you probably have some physical servers in the mix, too. Isn’t it amazing that so many security vendors simply add “cloud” to their product marketing and pass them off as though you can actually be successful with them? It’s as if adding “cloud” to the data sheet magically transforms an existing product into an offering that meets the needs of the cloud.

Fortunately, StillSecure‘s Cloud Security Monitoring System (Cloud SMS) helps address all those needs: it’s platform independent (built from the ground up for cloud, hybrid, and physical deployments), it tracks all security policy changes, and it provides summary- and detail-level visibility into your security configuration.

SoftLayer challenged us to create an offering that would support not only their cloud customers, but their hybrid and purely physical customers as well … And not only support them, but manage them seamlessly, with no arbitrary borders to harm usability. What we came up with fits that bill:

No cloud solution would be complete without being elastic: when you clone a VM, your security policy must go with it, and then that policy must continue to be applied to all like VMs when you make changes later. Cloud SMS does that. Got a one off? No problem, it handles that, too. Clone your one off? The clone tracks the one off.

Cloud SMS makes it easy to secure your servers, whether they’re in Dallas, Singapore or anywhere in between. With its executive level dashboard functionality, you can see the security state of all your servers, and understand usage over time. You can also slice and dice the data to understand usage patterns over any given time period.

Designed to be auditable, auditing functionality is part the genetic makeup of Cloud SMS. It tracks all configuration changes made by any user, on any server, and provides time-based reporting that can be handed directly to an auditor.

The StillSecure Cloud SMS SaaS offering provides detailed firewall control for your physical or cloud-based servers, deep auditing, dashboard via an extremely lightweight and easy to install agent. Don’t get left in the cold with B.C.E. (Before Cloud Era) offerings that can’t handle today’s cloud requirements.

- James Brown, StillSecure

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