Letter to The Editor: Spiritual warfare | Opinion – Paragould Daily Press

I never thought that I would ever write a letter to the editor, but I am so disgusted with our country and the world, I feel like I must say something. I am deeply saddened and concerned with the division in our country.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Republican versus Democrat; black versus white; male versus female, etc. The truth is that it is GOOD versus EVIL. Nothing more nothing less. Our country/world is in spiritual warfare. It is time to wake up.

My earthly father taught me at an early age, Trust, but verify. In other words, it is alright to believe what you see or hear, but then do your own research to verify and confirm the truth. My heavenly Father taught me, My people will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. Knowledge is the key; always seek knowledge.

My heavenly Father also taught me, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. Ephesians 6:12. Know this for a fact we are in spiritual warfare.

It is time (past time) for the silent majority to speak up! Forget the term political correctness. As Christians we are chosen and called to speak the TRUTH. The truth is I believe black lives matter. As a Christian I must believe this. I also believe all lives matter. In my opinion, any person offended by the statement that ALL lives matter is wrong and being deceived, and the king of deception is satan/devil/lucifer.

In my opinion, based on research and discernment, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) ORGANIZATION is not about black lives, but truly is a terrorist organization meant to divide the country even more than it already is. Dont trust me OR doubt me, verify this or dispute it with your own research and facts. BLM is not a non-profit, it is a corporation. ALL the money BLM raises goes to Act Blue. Do your own research and see where those millions and millions of dollars go (it is not going to black lives). Read the BLM official Mission Statement; does that sound like a Christian Mission Statement?

As a Christian, I am concerned about the world my children and grandchildren are facing. As a Christian, I am concerned about the EVIL in this world. As a Christian, I will no longer be silent or silenced, but will shout that we are in a spiritual warfare and it is a tough fight. But even satan knows, God wins!!

Please forget politics, race, sex, creed, etc. and remember it is all about GOOD vs EVIL. What team are you on? Will you play ball or sit on the bench? It is your choice free will.

Your brother in Christ,

Jeff Branch


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Letter to The Editor: Spiritual warfare | Opinion - Paragould Daily Press

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