Masks work and it only makes sense to wear them – Sentinel-Standard

To mask or not to mask? Why is that a question? Just when we were starting to finally shake off some of the restrictions brought on by the COVID virus, we are starting to go back to where we were when it all started.

The number of daily new cases in Michigan are higher now than they were since late May. It does not have to be like this, but too many people are refusing to wear a mask when they are out in public even though mask-wearing and social distancing are effective, as reported in the June 26 edition of Patient Care published by the University of California San Francisco.

Two case studies are particularly informative. One case was in a salon in Springfield, MO. Two hairstylists tested positive for COVID-19 but had met with 140 clients between May 12 and May 20 while wearing masks. The clients had close contact with the stylists for up to 30 minutes. Six other coworkers were also in the salon. Neither the clients nor the coworkers caught the virus.

In another case study, a man flew from China to Toronto. He had a dry cough and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He was wearing a mask. The 25 people nearest him on the flight (within 6 feet) all tested negative.

Masks work.

A study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation published on June 24, 2020, reported that if 95% of the population wore face masks, it would reduce forecasted deaths from COVID-19 by over 33,000. So, why is there such resistance to wearing a mask?

For some people, the fact that the government, or someone else, is telling them what to do appears to be an irrational application of individual liberty. They abide by other dictates such as stopping at red lights, wearing seatbelts, or lining up to buy a ticket to a sporting event or some other form of entertainment. And I have never seen a person rip off his shirt or argue with a retail owner over a No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service sign. But if a store or restaurant were to enforce No Mask, No Service, the fireworks would start. Irrational. But, how did we get here?

You need to look no further than a comparison between the United States and Canada. On March 1 the United States had 69 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Canada had 20 cases. By July 6 Canada had 105, 524 confirmed cases and the United States had over 2.89 million cases. The difference between the two countries boils down to the difference between the two governments in how they responded to the pandemic. Donald Trump played down the threat if not outright denying it. Justin Trudeau saw it for what it was, a danger to his citizens. He listened to his scientists. Trump did not.

In times of uncertainty, our emotions tend to override our rationality. When that happens, we look to leaders for guidance. Donald Trump refuses to wear a face mask. The head of his COVID task force, Mike Pence, did not wear a face mask until June 28, after the resurgence of the virus. Justin Trudeau began wearing a face mask in mid-May, urging all Canadians to do the same.

Another factor that plays a role is political affiliation. According to a survey reported by Gallup on July 6, 98% of Democrats responded they always wear masks, compared to 66% of Republicans. Why are Republicans less likely to wear a mask? Chris Jackson of Ipsos Public Affairs may have answered that when he stated that, "Once [Trump] very clearly did not wear a mask in public, that transmitted a signal that if youre a good supporter of the president you dont wear a mask." (Market Watch, June 28, 2020)

Remember, wearing a face mask is not so much to protect you as it is to protect others. It helps to prevent a person from passing the virus to others. Remember the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Hank Cetola is a Professor Emeritus at Adrian College and the founder of Lenawee Indivisible. He can be reached at

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Masks work and it only makes sense to wear them - Sentinel-Standard

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