Jerry Brown shows a tiny libertarian streak in Veto of Ski Helmet law

"Side[s] with GOP..."

From Eric Dondero:

Surprise kudos to California Democrat Governor Jerry Brown for his veto of a bill that would have required mandatory helmets for under-18s on ski slopes in California.

From "Gov. Brown vetoes ski helmet, phone fine bills":

In his veto message accompanying the helmet bill, SB105 introduced by Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, Brown appeared to side with GOP critics who had characterized the measure as "nanny government."

Brown, a Democrat, wrote, "While I appreciate the value of wearing a ski helmet, I am concerned about the continuing and seemingly inexorable transfer of authority from parents to the state. Not every human problem deserves a law."

Editor's comment - First NY Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo sides with GOP against new taxes in his state, then a week ago the Democrat-controlled state of Illinois relaxed seat belt law enforcement, and now this. Are they finally getting the Tea Party message against the Nanny-State perhaps?

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