Pamela Geller at Atlas hat tips Libertarian Republican

A Ronald Reagan - Lech Walesa defense against Violent Islam

From Eric Dondero:

Our friend Ayn Randist Pamela Geller at highly-rated Atlas Shrugs blog featured a story we ran here at few days ago, on Geert Wilder's speech in Germany.

From Atlas "Geet Wilders Speech in Germany":

In case you missed Geert Wilders' remarks in Germany -- he is, as always, brilliant:

Wilders speech in Germany: Netherlands moving forward with De-funding Islamism hat tip Eric Dondero

Dutch Parliamentarian, and leader of the Party for Freedom, addressed a crowd of 600 supporters in Berlin, Sept. 3.

Included in his speech were a number of libertarian proposals for defunding Islamism and anti-Dutch activities of Radical Islamists living in the Netherlands.

The reason why we reject Islam is exactly Islam’s violent nature. We believe in democracy. We fight with the force of our conviction, but we never use violence. Our commitment to truth, human dignity and a just and honourable defence of the West does not allow us to use violence nor to give in to cynicism and despair. We cherish the tradition of Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, Jelena Bonner, Lech Walesa and Ronald Reagan. These heroes defeated a totalitarian ideology by the power of their conviction and without firing a single shot.

Thank you Pamela!

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