Three Men executed in Iran for the crime of "Homosexual Acts"

From Eric Dondero:

This is a story that you are not seeing at any of the national gay rights sites such as Queerty, or Gawker.

From Iran Human Rights blog, "Three men were executed convicted of sodomy" Sept. 2:

The state run Iranian news agency ISNA reported that three of those executed were sentenced to death by the Ahvaz revolution court, convicted of "unlawful" acts and acts against Sharia, based on the articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic penal code. Articles 108 and 110 of the Iranian Islamic Penal code are part of the chapter covering the punishment of "Hadd" for "sodomy". Article 108 says: "Sodomy (or Lavat) is sexual intercourse between men”, and article 110 says:”Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing".

The men were identified as: "M. T.", "T. T." and "M. Ch." (age not mentioned for any of them)

Note - A quick check of top so-called "libertarian" sites shows similar non-coverage of this story. There are obviously more pressing issues out there for them to report on like the "right" of gays to marry, rather than stopping gay executions.

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