Left’s one standard is the double standard – News from southeastern Connecticut – theday.com

Were it not for double standards, the Left would have no standards. How true. In the past few weeks, we have seen uncivilized and ignorant mobs run rampant across the nation's cities (yes, including New London). Historical statues must be torn down in order to assuage the sickening illness of political correctness and historical misrepresentation. Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Grant's stone figures were among the vilified. Yet, even today one of two U.S. Senate office buildings still bears the name of the late Sen. Richard Russell, the ardent segregationist and racist from Georgia. And the honors still pour in for the deceased senator from West Virginia, RobertByrd, who helped organize and was a member ofthe KKK in that state. Even President Obama eulogized him at the time of his death a decade ago. But Lincoln, the emancipator and Grant, the victor over the Confederacy, needed to be defaced and removed from public view. But why expect anything else from leftist Democrats; they fail at everything except for the double standard.

Peter Wilson



Left's one standard is the double standard - News from southeastern Connecticut - theday.com

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