Storm Tracker 5000

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LOL. Not really.   I just like the gimmicks the weather people on TV use to get viewers. We had Storm Tracker 5000, then it was Doppler 5000 with the phony radar like screens and now it’s back to just plain Storm Tracker 5.  What I really dislike is the TV guys/gals using those touch screens.  You can’t tell a darned thing because they are waving their arms around a hundred miles an hour like some crazy person possessed drawing nonsensical lines and boxes and such…geesh.

Yep, the TV folks do all that marketing and then when the time comes they kind of babble on and lull the viewers into a kind of stupor so they miss the forecast.  This, I suspect happens  so it’s hard to prove when the forecaster gets it wrong.  Ever happen to you?

Oh yeah the video, the STEREO spacecraft can watch CME’s all the way from the Sun to Earth which is pretty amazing.

Speaking of storms, I can hear the first line of thunderstorms moving on in so time to get off line.


PS: If YOU are a TV weather person, no offense intended, merely an observation.    :mrgreen:

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