Italy’s Burqa Ban sponsored by a Muslim woman

Right-libertarian for Human Rights

From Eric Dondero:

Lest anyone accuse the right-wing Italian Freedom Party who sponsored the recent burqa ban, of being "racists," the very sponsor of the legislation is a Muslim woman from north Africa.

From the ""Italy will be next EU state to ban Muslim burka and face veil":

The Bill was initially suggested by the anti-immigration Northern League. Italy's constitutional affairs committee said it would be debated next month.

The move is not supported by the opposition Democratic Left, but Mr Berlusconi's coalition has a majority in both the upper and lower houses of parliament and a ban is highly likely to pass.

The Northern League's proposal aims to amend a 1975 law, introduced amid concern over terrorism, that prohibits the wearing of anything that makes identification impossible.

Souad Sbai, a woman MP of Muslim origin in Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom party, said: "This is a decisive push for a measure promoting freedom and civilised values."

Sbai was quoted (Recurse Islamice - translated from Italian):

"We need to help women who are segregated and have no rights..."

It is estimated that in Italy there are about 3,000 women who wear the Islamic veil and she says that the law would help Muslim women to integrate into society.

Soubai has been an activist against fundamentalist Islam. She has been fighting against Muslim honor killings across Europe. She believes that the vast majority of Muslim women seen across Europe wearing burqas and hijabs are forced to wear them by Muslim men, including their husbands and clerics.

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