They’re starting to pull away from Obama: NY Dem candidate says no endorsement from him for 2012

New York Special Election!

From Eric Dondero:

State Assemblyman David Weprin is the expected Democrat candidate for congress to face Republican Bob Turner in the special election to fill the Anthony Weiner seat in September.

From the NY Post:

The Democratic candidate seeking to fill the congressional seat vacated by randy ex-Rep Anthony Weiner distanced himself from President Obama today — by refusing to say whether he backed the president’s re-election.

“I’m running myself right now. On Sept. 14, I’ll be happy to address the president’s election,” State Assemblyman David Weprin said following a press conference at Queens Borough Hall.

And ironically, the statement came at a press conference in which Weprin was being endorsed himself from a number of female political leaders in NY.

Editor's comment - Remember back in 2009, this website reported on a slew of Democrat party switchers to Republican, from Maine to Georgia to Texas to South Dakota. A harbinger of the Republican wins of 2010. Weprin may be the first. But if we see more of this in the coming months heading into 2012?

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