Dueling polls in Spain: Que Pasa?

by Clifford F. Thies

One poll shows the center-right Peoples Party 14 points ahead, on the verge of a victory of historic proportion, while the other shows the Socialist Workers Party within 7 points, poised for a dramatic comeback. Que pasa?

Como se dice, follow the money. The poll showing the center-right party with a double-digit lead was commissioned by the newspaper El Pias of Madrid. In contrast, the poll showing the Socialist Workers with a chance of retaining its control of the government was conducted by a government-funded research institute.

When the Peoples Party wins the election, do you think one of the cuts in spending they will institute is government-financed polls? Quizas, mi amigo, quizas.

UPDATE! This just in: A third poll, released today (August 7th), confirms the findings of the private sector-comissioned poll discussed above. This poll, also commissioned by a newspaper, shows the Peoples Party with a 13-point lead over the ruling Socialist Workers Party, and on the verge of an absolute majority.

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