Prominent Medical Doctor, ObamaCare opponent: Mao, Stalin, Chavez, Obama, in the end the philosophy’s the same

Enforcement of collectivism has always depended on government power

Excerpted, Washington Times column, Dr. Milton Wolf, "Liberals’ unmaking of Barack Obama - President enters predictable free-fall from godlike to Carteresque" Aug. 2:

The conflict between liberal collectivist ideology and its application was easily predictable by anyone who has studied big-government economic failures throughout history, from the collectivist all-stars including Mao’s China, Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union to today’s honorable mentions such as Castro’s Cuba or Chavez’s Venezuela. Enforcement of collectivism has always depended on government power, from Stalin’s iron-fisted gulags to Mr. Obama’s mere heavy-handed plan for punitive fines for failure to purchase your government-imposed health insurance. The degree of autocracy may vary, but still the collectivist road to economic ruin is universal.

Editor's note - Dr. Wolf gained notoreity for being an early and vociferous opponent of ObamaCare. Ironically, he is the president's first cousin. He describes himself as a "free market champion." His blog is

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