Around the Web – August 3rd, 2011 | Gene Expression

Culture of Science. The peripatetic Sheril Kirshenbaum’s new weblog. Though I think she’s going to stay put for a while now.

The Life-Spans of Empires. I’ll be talking about this paper soon.

Academics ‘Guest Authoring’ Ghostwritten Medical Journal Articles Should Be Charged With Fraud, Legal Experts Argue. Crankery in the area of medicine flourishes in part due to natural cognitive biases, but also because there are many cases of crookedness and manufactured science.

First Large Study to Find HIV Epidemic Among Gays in the Middle East. Seems to be following the Western model.

Are Pet Owners Healthier and Happier? Maybe Not… Would that it were true.

Is Our Universe Inside a Bubble? First Observational Test of the ‘Multiverse’. I’m too ignorant to comment.

Copy Number Variation in Familial Parkinson Disease. More than SNPs.

Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is.

Germany Investigating Facebook Tagging Feature. Unless there’s a “Bulterian Jihad” the transparent society is inevitable.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Animal Enhancement as a Tool of Liberation. Remember the Uplift Universe?

Are Smart People Getting Smarter?. Alas, I don’t see it in the comments of this weblog ...

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