Like Major Nidal Hasan, Pfc. Abdo inspired by Al-Awlaki

From Eric Dondero:

Police officials found Al Qaeda magazines and literature in the hotel room of Pfc. Naser Abdo after his arrest on Wednesday on charges of plotting a terrorist attack near Ft. Hood, Texas.

And ABC News is now reporting "Fort Hood Bomb Plot Suspect: 'Inspired' by al Qaeda?":

one senior U.S. official told ABC News Abdo had also mentioned the name of one of the most high profile leaders of the Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), American-born Anwar al-Awlaki.

Al-Awlaki is considered by some U.S. security officials to be one of the most dangerous men in the world because of his ability to reach out through the internet to so-called "lone wolf" jihadis who would attempt to carry out attacks on behalf of al Qaeda, but without any actual material support from the terror organization. Al-Awlaki is believed to have inspired several terror plots in the U.S., from the deadly 2009 massacre at Fort Hood and the bungled Christmas Day airline bombing.

Police also found "Islamic extremist literature" in his backpack upon his arrest at a traffic stop in Killeen.

Ironically, according to USAToday:

Authorities were alerted to Abdo, who was stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, after he visited the same gun store in Killeen, Texas, where Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan obtained a gun prior to the 2009 attack at Fort Hood, one of the officials said.

Hasan ended up killing 13 US soldiers awaiting deployment to Iraq, including one pregnent female soldier.

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