Ft. Hood Muslim Terrorist Naser Abdo participated in 2010 War Resister’s League Press Conference NYC – Statement read by Abdo against "Islamophobia"


From Eric Dondero:

U.S. Army Private First Class Naser Abdno, who was arrested today in Killeen, Texas near Ft. Hood, was a featured participant in a 2010 press conference in opposition to the Wars in Iraq and Aghanistan. (Photo h/t PFC Abdo - BNI)

From War Resistor's website, October 8, 2010:


Speakers included:

10. Nasser Abdo — U.S. Army Private First Class, and Conscientious Objector [written statement] [link removed]

From War Resistor's League website, press release Oct. 7, 2010

On Thursday morning on the ninth anniversary of the U.S.-NATO invasion of Afghanistan, a cross-section of veterans, community groups, and global justice organizations held a press conference in support of the united message that the ongoing U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is “bad for Afghan people of all genders, bad for U.S. soldiers, and bad for the people of the U.S.”

IVAW organizers also read a statement from current U.S. servicemember and Conscientious Objector Naser Abdo about Islamophobia in the U.S. that has followed the attacks on 9/11 and its connections to war from the perspective of a Muslim C.O.: “To a soldier, the association of terror and Islam serves the purpose of falsely justifying ones actions in combat by stripping Muslims of their humanity. The association of terror and Islam is what we now refer to as Islamaphobia…it is as if the US public is just recently following a trend that has been rampant in the military for years. Only when the military and America can disassociate Muslims with terror can we move onto a brighter future of the religious collaboration and dialogue that defines America and makes me proud to be an American.” [emphasis added]

Sidenote: The War Resister's League is listed as a supported group by the left-libertarian group AntiWar.com.


Libertarian Republican contacted Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), and spoke with media person Sarah. After consulting another office worker, she flatly denied that Abdo was ever a member of their organization.


Libertarian Republican attempted to contact Ali Issa spokesman for the War Resisters League in NYC. He was unavailable for comment.


From Raw Story approx. 4:00 pm cst:

Pfc. Nasser Abdo, the 21-year-old soldier arrested Thursday in connection with an alleged plot to attack Fort Hood, had ties to a number of prominent anti-war organizations, including Iraq Veterans Against the War and Courage to Resist, Raw Story can confirm.

"We have worked with him in the past, but he was not ever a member of this organization," the spokesperson said. "We have had three interactions with him in the past: We supported his application as a conscientious objector; we publicized a statement by him condemning Islamophobia; and finally, he lended his support to our 'Operation Recovery' campaign last Veteran's Day. Besides that, we do not have a concrete link with him.

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