With Ross departure, an almost certain Republican pick-up in Arkansas

From Eric Dondero:

Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Mike Ross announced his retirement from Congress two days ago. Ross has represented southwest Arkansas (Magnolia, Hope and Texarkana) for 6 terms. Ross was thrown into the national spotlight in 2009 as an anguishing "conservative" Democrat with rambunctious constituents at town halls urging him to vote No on ObamaCare.

The District has been trending Republican for years.

Almost certain to run for the seat is the GOP's 2010 sweetheart of a candidate Beth Ann Rankin. She is a gospel singer from Magnolia, 1994 Miss Arkansas, and currently an AR Tea Party leader. Though, Rankin turned in a less-than-expected showing to the popular Ross in 2010, losing by 17 points.

Roll Call quotes a GOP strategist in Little Rock:

“I think it’s a tossup district that leans Republican,” said Richard Bearden, a Little Rock-based Republican strategist and lobbyist. He noted that in redistricting the 4th district lost two Democratic-leaning counties while picking up Republican turf.

Also possible GOP contenders - Rep. Matthew Sheppard and Army Reservist Tom Cotton.

Editor's note - I had the pleasure of meeting Beth Ann at a Tea Party rally near Texarkana back in April.

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