Finally, a tax Democrats want to cut

Tax-funded Parks should Honor all Vets - Yanks and Johnny Rebs

From Cliff Thies:


Dixie ain’t dead! 150 years after the first shot rang out in the Civil War, Alabamans are still paying a little-known tax that was designed to take care of the veterans who fought in it.

The property tax once funded the Alabama Confederate Soldiers' Home, which closed down 72 years ago. Now, the tax is used to pay for Confederate Memorial Park, which sits on the same land as the old Soldiers’ home.

Tax experts have noted that they don’t know of any other taxes like this that are connected to the Civil War. One black legislator, State Rep. Alvin Holmes, has vowed to try and get rid of the tax.

We in the libertarian wing of the GOP (Republican Liberty Caucus - honor all those who fought honorably in war, both the Johnny Rebs and the Billie Yanks, and all those in our armies and in the armies of nations with which we were once at war, but it is time to bury the hatchet and smoke the peace pipe. We should not have a Confederate Memorial separate from any other memorial, and if the parks of a state are generally supported by contributions and trust funds, then this one should be as well. One more thing, our flag is the American flag.

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