Craig Huey "libertarian Republican" for Congress – California Special Election

From Eric Dondero:

Craig Huey shocked the California political establishment last week, by winning a run-off spot for the open Jane Harmen seat in Congress. The district is heavily Democrat, and the incument Dem Secretary of State was expected to place 2nd. Huey beat her by 7,000 votes.

From his website:

THE RESULTS ARE IN! Craig Huey shocks media and career politicians with second place win in race for California’s 36th Congressional District.

Now we are gearing up for a surprise victory in the run-off election Tuesday, July 12, 2011. If you live in Del Aire, El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Lennox, Lomita, Los Angeles, Manhattan Beach, Marina del Rey, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Venice, West Carson or Wilmington, you may be able to vote in this election.

From Jessica Levin, columnist KCET Public Radio - Los Angeles Commentary - How Did a Conservative Finish as One of Top-Two Vote-Getters in the Liberal 36th Congressional District?:

As I and many other hapless souls who engage in predictions confidently stated, the runoff election would be between Hahn and Secretary of State Debra Bowen.

File this under, "I was wrong." In a true political upset, conservative Republican Craig Huey and Democratic Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn bested 14 other candidates in the special election to fill former Rep. Jane Harman's congressional seat.

We ran one of the very few stories in the Nation on his unexpected 1st-round win last week. Craig contacted Libertarian Republican yesterday. He wanted to make sure that our readers saw this interview with him from April 25, with The Daily Bell "Craig Huey on Running for Office as a Libertarian Republican and Salvaging the American Dream".

You're running for Congress in the 36th District in California, and apparently you're doing fairly well, despite the force arrayed against you. Tell us a bit about your background. You consider yourself to be libertarian more than a Republican don't you?

Craig Huey: I'm not a career politician. I'm a small business owner running for a special congressional office on May 17th, just a few weeks away. But I've had an interest in freedom and the free market for a long time. In high school I was introduced to Frederic Bastiat and his classic The Law, the writings of Ludwig Von Mises, Frederic Hayek, Milton Friedman and other great libertarian thinkers and economists.

Read the full interview here.


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