Hi-Tech Archaeology Spots Lost Pyramids From Space, Explores Great Pyramid From Inside | 80beats

Since before the Great Pyramid of Giza was enumerated as a wonder of the world two millennia ago, people have pored over the mysteries of these vast tombs. Now, modern technology is helping researchers glean new insight into the pyramids, revealing them from far above and exploring them from deep within.

Satellite images have revealed 17 “lost” pyramids and thousands of ancient tombs and settlements in Egypt, according to a BBC News report. Using a new imaging technique, researchers could pick out the outlines of ancient buildings buried under the surface.

Pyramids From Space—How the Heck:

The researchers examined hi-res infrared images taken by satellites orbiting at about 435 miles up.
Ancient Egyptian building materials, mostly mud bricks, are denser than the soil surrounding them. This density difference shows up on infrared images, exposing the location of shallowly buried structures.
The team’s test digs have backed up their imaging findings. So far, they’ve excavated a 3,000-year-old house from the ancient city of Tanis, near today’s San el Hagar in the Nile Delta.

What’s the Context:

Archaeologists have used a variety of remote sensing techniques to get a new view of hidden history, from thermal ...

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