Letters to the Editor: Loss of AERA oil project creates casualties; Wearing face masks and do unto others – Santa Ynez Valley News

We have an opportunity here in Santa Barbara to prove to the world that oil can be produced in a highly regulated environment. We must strictly adhere to regulations that protect our water, our people, our jobs, and our economy.

But in all endeavors lie risk, this is a fact of life. We must balance all these variables. But when the process comes with a movable goalpost it has become almost impossible to successfully bring these projects to

Michael Lopez


When I was a little girl, my father taught me the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Then I read Jesus's words: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." The message I got was that I need to treat others with the care and consideration that I want, and that I have a responsibility to act in ways that care for the well being of others.

And that's why we need to wear face coverings during this pandemic.

Wearing a cloth mask doesn't protect me that much. But if I wear one, it protects you. If you wear one, it protects me. And if we both wear one, the virus is much less likely to infect either of us.

When we wear masks, we are protecting people like my friends Michelle and Owen. They both have cancer, and don't go out at all -- they are prisoners of this pandemic. But their spouses have to go shopping. The masks we wear reduce the chance that they will catch it and bring the virus home to their vulnerable family members. That may be what keeps Michelle and Owen alive.

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Letters to the Editor: Loss of AERA oil project creates casualties; Wearing face masks and do unto others - Santa Ynez Valley News

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