U.S. Chamber backs Troy Nehls over Kathaleen Wall in Fort Bend congressional race – Houston Chronicle

One of the biggest financial players in Republican politics is coming in to help Fort Bend Sheriff Troy Nehls in his primary run-off battle for Congress with just two weeks left before early voting starts.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is committing to help Nehls as he battles Houstons Kathaleen Wall, who has already spent more than $4 million of her own money this year on her campaign for Congress. That is far more than Nehls has been able to spend. According to the latest campaign finance reports with the Federal Election Commission, Nehls has spent less than $400,000 so far.

Nehls won the first round of the primary in March with just over 40 percent of the vote. But because he didnt hit 50 percent in the crowded primary field, he will now face Wall, who finished second with 19 percent, in a runoff on July 14. Early voting starts June 29.

They are battling for the 22nd Congressional District, which includes most of Fort Bend County plus parts of Brazoria and Harris counties. The winner will face Democrat Sri Preston Kulkarni in November.

The race for the 22nd Congressional District is considered one of the most competitive in the nation. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Pete Olson, R-Sugar Land, is retiring from Congress this year. In 2018, Kulkarni came within 5 percentage points of beating Olson, giving Democrats hope they can flip the seat in 2020. The Cook Political Report in Washington, D.C., ranks it as one of 22 toss-up races in November.

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The U.S. Chamber of Commerce support is more than just an endorsement. The group has long been one of the biggest financial supporters of Republicans in federal races in the nation. In 2018, the group spent more than $7 million helping mostly Republican candidates.

The U.S. Chamber is proud to endorse Troy and looks forward to partnering with him in the future, U.S. Chamber CEO Thomas J. Donohue said in a statement.

Nehls is running on his public service experience, pointing to 30 years in the military and in law enforcement. Wall, meanwhile, has tried to position herself as a better potential ally to President Donald Trump.

Like Donald Trump, Kathaleen Wall is a successful conservative businessperson who wants to make America great again, ads supporting Wall have said.

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Wall, a prominent GOP campaign donor over the last decade, is about to ramp up her television advertising once again. Media tracking data shows Wall has reserved almost $250,000 in ad time on broadcast and cable TV in Houston over the next week.

But Nehls has also been aggressive in aligning himself with Trump.

In Congress, I will stand with President Trump to defeat the socialist Democrats, build the wall, drain the swamp, and deliver on pro-economy and pro- America policies, Nehls says on his campaign website.

Wall has touted endorsements from key elected officials including U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, and Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. Paul partly grew up in Brazoria County while his father Ron Paul was a congressman. Rand Paul graduated from Brazoswood High School and attended Baylor University.


U.S. Chamber backs Troy Nehls over Kathaleen Wall in Fort Bend congressional race - Houston Chronicle

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