Letter: Wearing masks isn’t oppression – The Republic

From: Tom Lane


I do not understand why it is so difficult for people to grasp the need to wear masks. Yes, the government is trying to control you. Just like driving your car every day. Do you seriously think it is "government oppression" to stop for red lights and stop signs? Do you think your freedom is impinged upon by going the speed limit (or close to it)? Is it somehow your "right" to put others at risk?

We live in a connected society and laws get made to protect the common good. The more we have people who seem clueless the "common good" the more we have to make laws to enforce safety and protection and allow the greatest good for the most people. At times, we have made laws that have protected some people more than others, and they have been changed or need to be changed. We are learning to live together and the idea that "freedom" means I can do anything I want, is childish.

I go to the store and about 50% have masks on and I do wonder if those without just dont understand, or more sadly, just dont care.


Letter: Wearing masks isn't oppression - The Republic

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