ISS checks Endeavour out | Bad Astronomy

After the Columbia Orbiter tragedy, NASA changed the safety protocols for Shuttle missions to the International Space Station. When an Orbiter gets there, it performs a slow pitch so that astronauts on ISS can take a good look for any damage that might have occurred during takeoff. It’s a serious procedure, but during it they get really intense pictures of the Orbiter.

This dramatic shot [click to enspaceplanenate] was taken on May 18, 2011, shortly after Endeavour made its final rendezvous with ISS. It’s a view we don’t get when the Orbiters sit on the ground.

They also snapped this lovely shot of Endeavour’s wing shortly before docking. It’s an important picture — they are looking for potentially mission-threatening damage, after all! — but it’s also a beautiful one, well-lit, crafted, and executed. You should check out this picture, too, with the Orbiter’s payload bay doors open, and a tiny Moon in the background.

I may not be a 100% true fan of the Space Shuttle, but for many years it provided us with access to space. ...

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