Johnny Depp 57: evolution of a style actor – The Times Hub

Johnny Depp. Photo: Getty Images

On Tuesday, June 9, the Hollywood star johnny Depp turned 57 years old. During this time he became a world-famous actor and sex symbol. At the sight of johnny Depp millions of women involuntarily squeal with delight, no matter what position he is today a confused Edward Scissorhands or the brutal captain Jack Sparrow. On this day we decided to recall how varied his style.

Bright appearance of johnny Depp is a successful result of mixing of different bloods: the Germans, Irish, and Cherokee Indians. Incidentally, the latter, apparently, is also the cause of its hard chracter. Signature style of johnny Depp glasses and vest, and a myriad of accessories: bracelets, chains, scarf, hat, lots of massive rings.

1987, photo:

Johnny Depp has gained popularity in the 90s, when the world needed was a beautiful and romantic hero. Johnny Depp just turned at the right time and in the right place. And how could you not fall in love with his gorgeous cheekbones, romantic, sad eyes, black head of hair and a pointed chin!

1988, photo: cosmo

1995, photo: cosmo

Attractive handsome young man instantly conquered thousands of girls hearts in 1987 when she starred in the popular TV series 21 Jump Street. After this paintings the actor gained the status of the idol of teenagers. And this was only the beginning to the status of a sex symbol!

Photo: cosmo

2003, photo: cosmo

His signature style of johnny Depp showed the public at once: vests, jackets is not the size and definitely a scarf.

2006, photo: cosmo

Interestingly, the actor has often experimented with his hair then short hair then long hair then I shaved my head, then periodically diluted to their natural color blonde highlights.

2008, photo: cosmo

Another signature detail of the image of johnny Depp with the beard and mustache. To see him clean shaven a rarity!

2011, photo: cosmo

After Pirates of the Caribbean johnny Depp turned in one more detail penciled black eye pencil, like Captain Jack Sparrow.

2014 photo: cosmo

The appearance and style of johnny constantly changing, what remains unchanged is the fact that the actor often appears in public with stale hair in a simple oversized clothes.

2018, photo:

Because of the criticism of the style the actor regularly appearing in the charts of the most tasteless dressed celebrities. But, it absolutely do not care. And fans too!

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Johnny Depp 57: evolution of a style actor - The Times Hub

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