Focusing on the big picture and supporting equality – Santa Barbara News-Press

Having to put your personal dreams on hold is hard, even emotionally painful, but not as difficult or painful as the lack of equality people of color, the elderly, the homeless and others endure every day. What we are doing by peacefully supporting the cause of equality is creating more opportunity for everyone.

My personal goals are going to have to come second (or third) to the changes that our country and our world are going through. Its still a pandemic, and many people are still under quarantine and watching the world change on their televisions.

No, it is not over. More people will get sick and die, partly due to the issues that have divided our beloved country. Most unfortunately, it seems to be drawn along political lines, and not health, human nature, or even common sense is closing the divide.

The fight for equality is not over, and neither is the pandemic, but tens of thousands of mostly young people are risking it all to share their pain, and some may well be sickened and die. And they know it. Yes, some will pay the ultimate sacrifice for their beliefs. That is something we should all keep in mind.

The last time I saw as much civil protest was during the Vietnam War, and we got them to end that. Now the same methods will help change how people are treated and treat each other. When you get sad about your personal circumstances, please remember that you are making a sacrifice for a higher purpose, and that might make it a little easier.

If youve ever had a goal that didnt work out and, then a few years later, it happened bigger and better than you ever imagined, that would be a good example of what I am talking about. If we focus on the big picture and keep our talents honed, there will be more opportunity, some of which you never would have imagined if we were not going through all these changes.

Dont give up on your goals, because they are important.

In fact, you are happier by going after them than when you achieve them. The joy is mostly in the journey, and it is a ray of light in this very difficult time we are currently living in. By incorporating them into the big picture, you will find your place and the joy that comes with that.

I have a feeling Im not going to open for Ed Sheeran this year. I also think that I may have to wait a while longer for that Tesla, but that doesnt mean I have to give up on my dreams. Its just going to be a future thing.

Whats more important is that we stay healthy, become united, and get people back to work, so our lives can become somewhat normal again. And I believe that if we keep doing the right things, we surely will.

Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., LMFT, is an award-winning therapist and writer. He is a columnist, blogger and the author of seven books, including the newly released Visualization For Success 75 Psychological Empowerment Exercises To Get You What You Want In Life. Reach him via email at

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Focusing on the big picture and supporting equality - Santa Barbara News-Press

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