Ascension to relocate COVID-19 testing site to Lamar-Dixon – Weekly Citizen

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Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment announced the COVID-19 testing site that has been operating since April in Donaldsonville will be relocating to the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales and will open on Tuesday, May 26.

The Donaldsonville testing site was a huge success, Cointment said. More than 1,800 people have been tested there.

Cointment and the Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness worked with state and federal officials to secure the tests and the manpower to administer them. The site is operated by the Louisiana National Guard.

The tests are free, and people will administer their own tests inside their vehicles, Cointment said, noting that they will offer the self-swabbing painless Quest test. :They will be distributed by members of the Louisiana National Guard, and members of the Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness will personally notify people of their test results.

The testing site will be at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 9039 S. St. Landry Ave. in Gonzales. People seeking tests should enter at the second entrance, behind the chapel. Once there, signage and National Guard members will direct traffic flow. The site will open Tuesday, May 26, for seniors over age 65 and medical and emergency responders, and on Wednesday, May 27 for the general public. Site operation times are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until noon, until further notice.

The test is drive-thru only. No one will be allowed to exit their vehicles. Candidates for testing must be at least 18 years of age and have a Louisiana ID. A doctors order is not required.

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Ascension to relocate COVID-19 testing site to Lamar-Dixon - Weekly Citizen

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