Olympia Snowe voting "more conservative" anticipating a Libertarian Republican challenger

The Senator is "terrified" by a Tea Party challenge from the Right

From Eric Dondero:

The Hill reports that the Senator from Maine "Facing possible Tea Party challenger, Snowe moves right."

They quote the former Young Americans for Freedom Executive Director:

“Clearly the senator has been voting more conservative over the past few months,” said Brian Darling, senior fellow for government studies at the Heritage Foundation.

“I wouldn’t consider her all of a sudden to be a conservative but she’s voting more conservatively,” he said.

Her recent votes include: against further EPA regulations; against Planned Parenthood funding; for losening restrictions on small business to boost employment; and, even a in favor of an amendment by "Tea Party favorite" Republican Senator Rand Paul seeking full congressional authorization before any presidential actions in Libya.

Democrats accuse Snowe of scrambling to appease conservative voters at home in anticipation of a possible Tea-Party challenge next year.

“For good reason, Olympia Snowe is terrified of a conservative primary challenge,” said Shripal Shah, spokesman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “Today she tried to score political points with her base at the expense of Maine’s economy and small businesses.”

Andrew Ian Dodge - electthedodge.com, is a regular reader of Libertarian Republican, and member of the Maine Republican Liberty Caucus. He is also a former statewide chairman for the ME Tea Party. He is Olympia Snowe's main challenger for the GOP nomination.

Important Note - Senator Snowe is a friend of libertarian Republicans in Maine. She even attended a recent RLC meeting to field questions from the groups members. Some libertarian Republicans, notably Governor Le Page, and stalwart Lewiston libertarian Stravos Mendros, are going against their friend Andrew Ian Dodge, and supporting Ms. Snowe. This website supports the Senator, but hopes that Andrew will continue to have a positive impact on moving her more to the libertarian position.

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