A survey on personal genomics for a Ph.D. | Gene Expression

Like John Hawks I get a fair number of questions from students. Some of them seem legit and I try and answer them, but sometimes they’re asking detailed things which would take me too long and it falls out of my task stack. And alas on occasion they’re clearly straight up asking me to write their paper from what I can tell. But today I got an interesting email from a doctoral student in England who found me via twitter and my blog, and was wondering if I could fill in an online survey for her research. It took me all of 5 minutes, so if you want to help them out (I’m thinking this is a painless way to increase someone’s sample size):

To fill in the survey, please:

Click here if you have bought a genetic test. (If you have bought a test but haven’t recieved your results yet, please still follow this link and just ignore any questions you can’t answer).

Click here if you are thinking of buying a genetic test.

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