Defeating Covid-19 monster the digital way – Daily Pioneer

Different devices and advanced technologies have been developed and implemented to win the war against COVID-19. In this pandemic, advanced technology tools are the monitoring and controlling weapons of corona virus outbreaks, as humans cannot operate at a speed of AI powered machines. Here I have came up with some of the possible technological concepts and their role to fight against COVID-19, which could possibly help to control the outbreak.

Quantum Computers

To win the war against COVID-19 outbreak, quantum computing plays a vital role for providing services to better pandemic control. Supercomputers are used for quickly and carefully mapping the molecular structure of corona virus so that it will be easy for developing medicines and treatments. IBM supercomputer is being deployed by the researchers to find out the chemical compounds to fight against corona virus. This super computer generate results within 1-2 days rather than months which could have taken by standard computing system to produce the same result. Till date, the quantum computer has supported researchers to identify 77 molecule compounds.

Machine learning to find a treatment

By gathering sufficient quality data and implementing artificial intelligence concept, which could be a powerful tool used for predicting the diseases future trend and even searching for possible treatments. Different biotechnology companies are using machine learning concept to develop treatments based on antibodies from patients who have recovered from the COVID-19. These companies have used Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept to analyze more than millions of immune cells as they desire to search for those that are able to produce antibodies which help patients recover.

Facial recognition and Big Data

Different organisations have developed dashboards for accessing the public information to monitor the corona virus using Big Data. Most of the developed cities across the globe have installed infrared temperature detection and face recognition techniques.

Telecom companies of China are providing facility of mobile sent text messages to their State media agencies, informing about the person who have been infected. This message includes the details about the persons travel history. Some companies like Panasonic, Sense Time and FacePro have also developed certain kind of software which can easily identify the people without face masks.

Satellite technology

Satellite technology provides better service in social distancing. Advanced countries are using both macro and micro level satellites for providing information about the social distancing and stay at home information. Satellite imageries systems are used for providing the information about the different activities happening or not-happening across the major cities, crowded places, industrial sites, farming activity, tourist places, and on different high ways during the lockdowns or normal days.


Robots are the game changers in COVID-19 as they reduce the human-to-human interaction and the potential danger expected for the life of the medical staff members. Robots are being used to disinfect, deliver medicine, measure temperatures, food preparation and communicate among the isolated members. A Danish company in China is providing UVD Robots which can disinfect the patient cabins based on the statement. UVD Robot moves around patient rooms autonomously and emitting right amount of ultraviolet light covering all surface area in order to kill corona viruses and other bacteria. Some hospitals of US are also using robots to communicate among the doctors and patients through a screen and it was equipped with a stethoscope.

Health sensors and mobile apps

Mobile applications are being used for tracking and preventing the spread of corona virus disease. Utilising the proper surveillance network for public goodness, the Government of India has developed a mobile application Aarogya Setu to connect essential health services among people of India to fight against COVID-19.

Australia has developed a mobile APP already used in Singapore for contact tracing by detecting whether the people had spent more than 15 minutes with other peoples who may have been infected by COVID-19.

The Chinese Government in association with Alibaba and Tencent developed a color-coded health rating system which played a vital role in China for tracking millions of people daily. The mobile app was first deployed in Hangzhou in collaboration with Alibaba. It consists of three colors to people yellow, green and red based on their travel and medical histories.

(Dr Senapati is Dean Science, BPUT, and Mallick is Asst Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar,,

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Defeating Covid-19 monster the digital way - Daily Pioneer

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