LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-elect Sheriff Kaber – Herald and News

Re-elect Sheriff Kaber

Throughout the last several years the Governor, State Legislature, and many other elected leaders have waged assault on our Second Amendment rights. Money from labor unions far and wide have influenced the Governor and many members of the super majority in Salem who seem to worry more about armed law-abiding citizens than they do armed career criminals.

I, like many of my fellow Klamath County residents, place a very high value on my Second Amendment rights. I expect my local elected leaders to stand up and defend my rights. Sheriff Chris Kaber has a proven track record supporting our rights and standing up to those who seek to infringe on them. He continues to be a very vocal opponent of the legislative overreach in Salem.

Sheriff Kabers opponent however, is a union leader while a deputy and before his law enforcement career was a union lobbyist who only stands with big union fat cats in supporting the type of candidates who have sought to erode the peoples Second Amendment rights.

Its clear to me that a vote for Corporal Krag is a vote for Governor Kate Browns ideals. Our rights are far too important to trust a union leader with the role of County Sheriff and for that reason I will support re-electing Sheriff Chris Kaber who has proven he stands for the rights of the people of Klamath County!

Thomas Brewster

Klamath Falls

The rest is here:

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-elect Sheriff Kaber - Herald and News

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