By Larry Keane
U.S.A. -( Three-term New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo recently bemoaned President Donald Trumps leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, stating We dont have a king in this country. We didnt want a king, so we have a Constitution and we elect a president.
Perhaps the Guv should look in the mirror before opening his mouth.
Gov. Cuomo has used his daily time in front of press conference bright lights to knock the president. But he has his own king-like history of overstepping as the Empire States top elected official. Thats especially true now during the pandemic, and especially when it comes to the Second Amendment and the Constitutional rights of New Yorkers.
One of Gov. Cuomos earliest actions to combat the spread of coronavirus in New York included shuttering hundreds of firearm manufacturers and retailers by deeming them non-essential, despite the fact that the Department of Homeland Security specifically included gun stores and those workers as essential in its guidance. The firearm and ammunition industry in New York has a significant footprint with 5,500 jobs generating $1.44 billion in economic impact. Across the nation, that figure is more than 330,000 jobs and $60 billion in economic impact. But Gov. Cuomo didnt think twice, instead using his authority to close them down. Its no wonder he ranks among the least popular governors in America.
Whats worse than unnecessarily leaving thousands of New Yorkers in the lurch? How about refusing their offer to help save the lives of their neighbors? Nope King Cuomo couldnt be bothered to even respond. Its not surprising. This is the same governor who despises pro-Second Amendment, law-abiding Americans, infamously mocking Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who arepro-assault-weapon? Because if thats who they arethey have no place in the state of New York.
Gov. Cuomos disdain for the Second Amendment is deep and his king-like antigun record is long. Most notably he utilized the never let a crisis go to waste mantra and forced New Yorks infamous gun-rights-restricting New York SAFE Act through in the middle of the night, the most restrictive anti-gun law in the country. It includes limits on magazine capacity that was too far even for a federal judge in New York who struck down the provision in 2013, and Gov. Cuomo was again denied by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 2015. His SAFE Act also included red flag laws that deny due process and bans on Americas most popular-selling centerfire rifle the modern sporting rifle. Second Amendment rights groups across the state roundly disapproved. But once again, Gov. Cuomo displayed his animosity to the legal process and protecting the Constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, stating You become sort of lawsuit immune, when challenged on his order shuttering firearm businesses.
Even Gov. Cuomos neighbor to the south recognized the limits to his executive authority. New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy said he wasnt thinking of the Bill of Rights, when he initially shut down gun stores, before relenting when faced with a lawsuit.
But Gov. Cuomos antigun bona fides traces back to his time as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton administration where he threatened to have over 3,200 public housing authorities sue members of the firearm industry for a crime committed in those housing projects. Congress quickly put a stop to his threatened litigation. He also violated antitrust law in 2000 by conspiring with several big-city mayors to politicize law enforcement purchasing by collectively refusing to buy from any handgun manufacturer that didnt sign a so-called code of conduct that sought to implement gun control that Congress would never pass. NSSF sued Cuomo and his allies in federal court prompting putting a stop to their illegal antitrust conspiracy.
Twenty-five years ago, New Yorks venerated Republican U.S. Congressman Gerald B. Solomon took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and boomed in support of law-abiding gun owners. Now more than ever America needs more of that and Gov. Cuomo should take notice while running for a fourth term.
About The National Shooting Sports Foundation
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers.
See original here:
NSSF on NY Gov's Comments: King Cuomo Should Look in the Mirror - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
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