Despite liberal bubble hysteria, the public will back Boris over lockdown crunch-time –

No surprise then that the official priority is to stop a second wave, even if that means a longer lockdown. The problem is that this will eviscerate the economy. Meanwhile, returning to the original strategy of herd immunity would open the Government up to Labours trump card: evil Tories sacrificing lives for capitalism.

There is, however, anotherTrump card in the Rights possession indeed being played now by the US President. That is, the fulfilment of the contract forged between all Right-wing governments and their working-class supporters across the West: votes in return for systems change come what may, virus or no virus.

Trumps clamour to re-open America is informed not just by how he is being scrutinised now, but by how he will be when voters go to the polls in November. He pledged a new American Dream built by betrayed manufacturing hands from the vaporousrubble of a sub-prime confidence trick. Judging by how he has backed anti-lockdown protesters, he also knows, as he battles to deliver against the odds,that his peoples love for freedom is useful leverage.

Cabinet Doves might be tempted to dismiss Trumps rustbelt supporters as a different, libertarian species. After all, we Britons do optimism far better than freedom. If the breeze of the Western frontier flutters restlessly in the American psyche, the crisp comfort of cold sun permeates the soul of the Englishman.

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Despite liberal bubble hysteria, the public will back Boris over lockdown crunch-time -

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